- Wired Ethernet
- Compact and quiet
- Netflix ( don't care how )
Disclaimer: I only run *nix on my home computers as the main OS.
I am currently running Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit ( will most likely go with 14.04 LTS when released ) on this system with the SSD drive listed below; for the first three weeks I was testing out with a 8 GB USB stick which did work but not ideal due to response time. XMBC and MythTV settings for audio need to be adjusted to 5.1 / 7.1 depending on your setup. I am running through a Yamaha NS-SP1800BL receiver and although the OS mixer only shows a single pcm channel and no speaker information, the end result sound is correct. I had issues with the X server not even giving me a useable signal on my projector with 12.04 LTS and after upgrading to 13.10 X did require some tweaking for overscan but all is good now. I am looking forward to Intel releasing some other variants and these would make great firewall/IDS systems if there were multiple NIC's.
Here is my parts list ( sorry.. I love Amazon and also a Prime member ):
Intel NUC - Drive -
Memory -
Power cord -
Remote -
Keyboard/Mouse -
Bluetooth Adapter ( iPazzPort adapter blows ) -
What is great about the system:
- First off, the power connection is the best I've seen on any system. You have to give quite a tug on the power cord for removal.
- 3 year warranty.
- Can't beat the price.
- Plays anything I've thrown at it including OTA 720P via the SiliconDust HDHomeRun.
- MythTV frontend and XBMC both run flawless.
- Netflix is possible via the Linux pipelight which is essentially running Silverlight via WINE.
- The system is very compact and has a nice solid feel.
- Have yet to hear a fan and yet the system, by touch, has only felt a medium warmth.
My gripes:
- You have to purchase the wall to power brick cord! come on Intel give a coupon at least but after you open the box you'll understand why the power cord is not included.