iPhoto splits your images tree into Masters(Originals now a link)/Year/Date(Roll)/etc... and Preview(Modified now a link)/Year/Date(Roll)/etc... but digikam ( http://www.digikam.org/ ) allows you to manage your tree how you like and makes new version of a photo by appending _v1 to the basename of the file.
Just to make sure I did not leave myself with the easiest transition possible :-P I decided to just rsync my iPhoto Library Masters directory to /home/photos on the new machine. I did not want the separate directory tree so after copying all the Masters/Originals sync'd I figured I'd look at copying the files from the Previews/Modified directory copied over and make a -v1 in the same path from /home/photo_temp. I'm not sure why but iPhoto changes the extension from .jpg to .JPG on or after the copy process? So I wrote a script but this only gets you 90% there. You'll have to do some manual cleanup because in additions because iPhoto seems to copy modified versions i.e. cropped to an entirely different directory(Roll) so that will need to clean up afterwards.
Here is my update_photo script to move the Previews(Modified) versions over the new master location:
----------------- cut -------------------------
use File::Copy;
use File::Find;
find({ wanted => \&process_file, no_chdir => 1}, "." );
sub process_file {
$tempfilename = $File::Find::name;
if ( -f $tempfilename ) {
#print " This is a file: $tempfilename";
if ( -f "/home/photos/$tempfilename" ) {
print " and matching file exist \n";
my $new_name = "/home/photos/$tempfilename";
$new_name =~ s/(.*)(\..+$)/$1-v1$2/g;
print "move $tempfilename $new_name\n";
move($tempfilename, $new_name);
} else {
#print " and matching file does not exist \n";
my $upper_name = $tempfilename;
$upper_name =~ s/.jpg/.JPG/g;
if ( -f "/home/photos/$upper_name" ) {
#print " Upper case is there: /home/photos/$upper_name\n";
my $new_upper_name = "/home/photos/$upper_name";
$new_upper_name =~ s/(.*)(\..+$)/$1-v1$2/g;
print "move $tempfilename $new_upper_name\n";
move($tempfilename, $new_upper_name);
} else {
my $lower_name = $tempfilename;
$lower_name =~ s/.JPG/.jpg/g;
#print " Lower case is there: /home/photos/$lower_name\n";
my $new_lower_name = "/home/photos/$lower_name";
$new_lower_name =~ s/(.*)(\..+$)/$1-v1$2/g;
print "move $tempfilename $new_lower_name\n";
move($tempfilename, $new_lower_name);
} else {
print " This is NOT a file: $tempfilename\n";
----------------- cut -------------------------
So now you have to tweak photokam scripts to migrate the information from the AlbumData.xml file copied over from your iPhoto Library directory I just commented out the copy commands since the files were already copied over:
# diff prepare.py photokam-0.5/prepare.py
< file_extensions=('jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG')
> file_extensions=('jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG', 'tif', 'TIF', 'tiff', 'TIFF', 'avi', 'AVI')
< input = '.'
> input = 'iPhoto Library'
< debug = True
> debug = False
< print(' Fullname --- '+to_date_string(date))
< fullname = to_date_string(date)+' - '+roll['RollName']
> fullname = to_date_string(date)+' - '+roll['AlbumName']
< # copy_file(input, original_source_path, out+'/'+target_path, mtime, True)
> copy_file(input, original_source_path, out+'/'+target_path, mtime, True)
< # copy_file(input, original_source_path, out+'/'+original_target_path, mtime, True)
< # copy_file(input, source_path, out+'/'+target_path, mtime)
> copy_file(input, original_source_path, out+'/'+original_target_path, mtime, True)
> copy_file(input, source_path, out+'/'+target_path, mtime)
< # copy_file(input, source_path, out+'/'+target_path, mtime)
> copy_file(input, source_path, out+'/'+target_path, mtime)
So after running the process-digikam-db.py script I get errors immediately on the process so I started hacking away and here is the diff.
$ diff process-digikam-db.py photokam-0.5/process-digikam-db.py
< input = args[0]+'/digikam4.db'
> input = args[0]+'/digikam3.db'
< if debug:
< print( ' The pieces '+pieces[0])
< #-#print('Setting album dates')
< #-#p=re.compile('[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]')
< #-#c=con.cursor()
< #-#c.execute("select id, relativePath from Albums")
< #-#for id, relativePath in c.fetchall():
< #-# name=relativePath.split('/')[-1]
< #-# if len(name) >= 10 and p.match(name):
< #-# date=time.strptime(name[:10]+' 12', "%Y-%m-%d %H") #12h offset to avoid tz shifts
< #-# params=(name[:10], id)
< #-# c.execute('update albums set date=date(?) where id=?', params)
> print('Setting album dates')
> p=re.compile('[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]')
> c=con.cursor()
> c.execute("select id, url from Albums")
> for id, url in c.fetchall():
> name=url.split('/')[-1]
> if len(name) >= 10 and p.match(name):
> date=time.strptime(name[:10]+' 12', "%Y-%m-%d %H") #12h offset to avoid tz shifts
> params=(name[:10], id)
> c.execute('update albums set date=date(?) where id=?', params)
< #print( ' Album path '+album_path+' Image name '+image_name )
< "where Images.album=Albums.id and relativePath=? and name=?", params)
> "where Images.dirid=Albums.id and url=? and name=?", params)
I thought that would get me home but I kept getting errors about not finding the photos in the database and found that the tag-mappings.txt was somehow not quite right... A sample here:
2011/2011-08-28 - 09-11-PhoneDump/IMAG0242.jpg=Albums/Favorites/Summer_2011
2011/2011-08-28 - 09-11-PhoneDump/IMAG0245.jpg=Albums/Favorites/Summer_2011
2011/2011-08-30 - Aug 27, 2011/P1090019.JPG=Albums/Favorites/Summer_2011
2011/2011-08-30 - Aug 27, 2011/P1090023.JPG=Albums/Favorites/Summer_2011
so I hacked up this:
$ cat update_tag_map.sh
while read line
myyear=`echo $line | cut -c 1-4`
mydir=`echo $line | awk -F' - ' '{print $2}' | sed 's!\=.*$!!'`
myfile=`echo $mydir | sed 's!^.*/!!g'`
mynewfile=`locate $myfile | grep /home/photos/$myyear | cut -c 19-`
echo " this is my new file --- $mynewfile"
mynewline=`echo $line | sed s!"$mydir"!"$mynewfile"!g`
echo "$mynewline" >> /home/photos/tag-mappings.txt
done < /home/photo_temp/tag-mappings.txt
And the result is:
2011/Aug 27, 2011/P1090019.JPG=Albums/Favorites/Summer_2011
2011/Aug 27, 2011/P1090023.JPG=Albums/Favorites/Summer_2011
NOTE: make sure the tag-mappings.txt file does not have any blank lines or the process-digikam-db.py script will fail.Everything seems OK for now but I'll post back if I see any other gotchas.
As I am about to head a similar way I'd like to thank you for all the info!
ReplyDeleteGreat! Glad the info is useful. Good luck and let me know if you find something comparable to Digikam in your travels.
ReplyDeleteThanks, will do! :)
ReplyDeleteSo I finally managed to move my pictures from iPhoto to digikam, however I went a different way. Browsing through the iPhoto Library directory I discovered a few sqlite databases, the most interesting one being Library.apdb. It contains all album names, folder names, image names and paths, etc. I've then written a small python script that reads all the data from the database and, according to the album and image names, copies all images from the iPhoto Library to a new directory structure. In my case I've decided to copy only the original pictures, though. Thanks once again for sharing your experiences!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous,did you ever publish your sqlite migration script anywhere? I'd love to have a look and maybe use (and extend) it if possible.
@Anonymous, I echo what @Anonymous said: please publish your script(s) and maybe include a little doc on how to use them - and of course, a disclaimer that while it worked for you, YMMV (and only run on a backup!). But as I am headed down this path, too, I think it would be great to get some traction on this and maybe even start a github project. Thanks in advance. (I'm Pseudonymous)